Trauma Simulation training in IMSE

Monday, October 5, 2009

New Logo of IMSE - "Shaping the Right Mind"

With the renaming of LSTC to IMSE on 1st Oct 09, a new corporate logo has been launched to give a new image to the Institute.

The new logo design consists of a series of concentric circles of graded diameters, distributed radially ove a convex spherical surface, and all radiating to a central large circle. The three dimensionality contriubes to a sense of the curvature of the human brain. It suggests that the cummulated learning experience acquired by the learner will help to mold his mind and help to actualize his potential.

Experiential learning is a way of opening the mind to new possibilities and broadening one's appreciation of the complexity of medical therapeutics, teamwork and interpersonal communication, that are so crucial for patient care.

The SGH corporate green colour is used for the circles while navy blue is being used because of its association with the medical industry. A Century typeface is used for the logotype to reflect the serious and academic nature of IMSE.